Johnson JS800 Strat Style Reviews 5

I was playing a Hondo les-paul copy that really truly sucked. I have a bad habit at trading my insturments off and all too often downgrading. So one day my dad ame hom with this Johnson electric guitar and said i couldnt get rid of it. I think the price paid was thirty dollars on ebay.

I like just about everything. I have had every sort of guitar from Fender hms strats, to Eko 12 strings, and i honestly like this on the best so far. The nek feels very strat like, i think the nut spacing may be close if not the same. The finish a maroon finish that lets the wood grain bleed through. It sounds very good, feels well made, and good tuning stability. top noth really.

There isnt really anything i dislike partiularly. All guitarist will find something insigniffocant to bitch about, but nothing is really that bad. The only thing i guess, is the name. But if your a real guitarist, littl shit like that shouldnt matter. It just sounds funny to say, "hy, im gonna wank on my johnson.

Very solid. Strat-like in comparson,not to heavy, but sufficaint enough to know your holding something, good feel, sturdy, i couldnt say about the trmolo, as i dont us them, i think there "cheater-bars" , but all around, well made quality insurment.

I would say that it is a good playing guitar and would be a great beginners guitar. If your into strats, and ant afford Fender but dont want a p.o.s squier, then this is probably in my opinion the next best thing. I like it and will b playing it for years to come.

Merlyn rated this unit 5 on 2004-08-01.

I aquired it online for about $120 new.

Price first of all, for $120 I was expecting a piece of crap guitar that wouldnt last a few weeks even. But I was so surprised by the quality of this guitar and how good johnson really is. I would compare this guitar to a fender made strat in the $500 range. Im planning on putting in some duncan pickups and Im sure this baby will scream. I first thought it was going to be a beginner guitar, but to be honest its for beginners to advanced players, this guitar is a strat copy that would make Fender envious.

Not much really, people have laughed at me for the name "johnson" until they hear it and find out just how awesome this strat lookalike is. Im thouroughly impressed by johnson guitars now.

Alder body, maple neck and a rosewood stripe. This is not made of plywood people, this is a real electric.

Everyone has overlooked Johnson but if they continue making this quality of products Ill continue to stick with them. I want to purchase one of their semi-hollows in the future.

Ken rated this unit 5 on 2003-06-10.

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